Save Net Neutrality — Make a Public Comment by July 17th!

The FCC wants to get rid of net neutrality rules that keep internet service providers (ISPs) from blocking or giving preferential treatment to particular websites. Americans have UNTIL JULY 17TH to make a public comment to the FCC in support of net neutrality. Leave an express comment here or leave a longer comment with attached documents here, using the proceeding number 17-108 (Restoring Internet Freedom). LET’S FLOOD THE FCC WITH PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR NET NEUTRALITY!

Your talking points:


General tips for writing public comments:

  • Personalized comments are much more effective than form letters.
  • Be respectful.
  • Describe why the issue is relevant for you and how it will affect you.
  • Include any useful evidence for your arguments, either in your comment, or as an attached document. If you have expertise and data on the issue, share it!
  • Mention specific sections of the proposed rule if you have the time and expertise.

What else can you do for net neutrality? Raise awareness on social media and mobilize more public comments by sharing a graphic from here.